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Volunteering with BHN gives you the opportunity to make a tangible difference to the lives of people seeking safety in the UK, and give something back to our thriving Bristolian community. 


Volunteers can get involved in all aspects of BHN's work, from supporting our accommodation provision via our 11-bed men's house and Host Network, to helping members with asylum claims via our advice team.  We also run a weekly drop-in at our Welcome Centre, where we provide members with a hot meal, community, English lessons and volunteering opportunities. 


Please register your interest in volunteering by contacting us via our enquiry form here. We are also on the lookout for communications and fundraising experts - just get in touch and we will find a way to get you involved!

'With BHN I chat with asylum seekers on a weekly basis. This means talking with people that are experiencing destitution. However, it’s very important to keep in mind that you are talking with a human being. During our meeting we always agreed that equality is one of the most important ethos of BHN- 

people are people before labels.'


BHN relies almost entirely on voluntary donations. If you don't have the time to volunteer,

but would still like to support our work, then do consider becoming a regular donor, either

via a standing order with your bank or Local Giving.


Regular donations not only enable us to plan our work and operate as a sustainable charity, they directly support destitute asylum seekers through our projects and services. Without your financial support, we simply could not provide the accommodation options we do, give financial aid through our £30 per week Solidarity Fund, run our Welcome Centre and annual holidays and events or deliver expert asylum claim support via our Help Team - all of which enables our members to move forward with their lives here in the UK.


If you are in a position to become a regular donor of BHN or make a one-off donation, you can do so using a secure form via Local Giving. If you would prefer to setup a standing order, then simply contact our Office and Finance Manager, Linda Nunns.


We can't thank you enough for your support. Please find links to our Privacy Policy and Safeguarding Policy.

Other ways to give

Could you become a host, providing a spare room for a minimum of three months or on an emergency week basis? Please contact


If you would like to donate items, then please contact us via our enquiry form here to discuss what you have to offer. 


Lastly, don't forget to like us on Facebook and help spread the word about our organisation!



Thank you to our funders:

Lloyds Bank Foundation, Souter Charitable Trust, Bristol City Council, Leatherseller's Company Charitable Fund, Brisdoc, The Burden Trust, John James Foundation, Austin & Hope Pilkington, Amazon Community, J&M Britton Charitable Trust, Arnold Clark Community Fund, Tuixen Foundation, Postcode Local Trust


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Your donations keep BHN going. Thank you.

© 2023 Bristol Hospitality Network. Registered charity no. 1138498

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