Bristol Hospitality Network relies on your generous donations to continue the essential work we undertake.
We provide accommodation for destitute asylum seekers (our 'members') through our 11-bed men's house and our Host Network, where households in Bristol provide a spare room. We also provide support with our members' asylum claim via our Advice Team, and financial support in the form of £20 per week Solidarity Fund for our accommodated members.
Pre-COVID19, we ran a weekly drop-in at our Welcome Centre, where we provided members with a hot meal, community, creative activities and volunteering opportunities.
Regular standing orders allow us to plan where we can allocate funds, putting us in the
best position to support our members.
If you are in a position to make a donation to BHN, you can do so using a secure form via our website here
We can't thank you enough for your support.
If you are not in a position to donate right now, but would like to lend us your support in other ways,
please see our page Other Ways To Give.
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