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Big Give campaign raises £17,000

Bristol Hospitality Network is pleased to announce a total of £17,643 in donations following a fantastic response to the Big Give campaign.

The money will be used to help members seeking asylum develop professional skills and strengthen their voice through volunteering.

BHN took part in the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge 2019, which raised millions of pounds for charities across the UK.

Our full total includes gift aid and matched funds used to double donations from Helping Hands and generous pledges from supporters.

Lizzie Briggs, director of BHN, said: "Everyone at BHN has been blown away by the money raised from our supporters and pledgers. We have increased our target year-on-year through The Big Give, and the response has been really humbling. We are very excited to put this funding to good use and develop leaders amongst our members.”

Lizzie explained the funding would go towards a volunteer coordinator and a project helping members develop public speaking skills.

She added: “We have already been brainstorming the Member Internship and hope to have a plan in place for that by the end of the month. Watch this space for more news on this 'Developing Leaders' stream of work. We are very excited!"

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