To everyone involved in supporting Bristol Hospitality Network,
We wanted to take this chance to thank you for your support during 2017. BHN is grown and sustained by all of the time, energy, goodwill, volunteering, work, donations, conversations, care and creativity that everyone puts in, so the contribution that each of us makes is really important and valued.
Perhaps you are a host for BHN - thank you for supporting destitute asylum seekers with your whole life, it really is a remarkable thing to do. Maybe this year you've been supporting us financially. Thank you! We really need your support as we have grown this year and face new challenges. We particularly appreciate the commitment of people who give regularly online or via standing order, who make the core work of BHN possible. We aim to raise our standing order giving by 30% this year so if you know someone who is just waiting for the opportunity to support BHN, please refer them to our new sparkly website www.bhn.org.uk!
Special thanks if you volunteer with BHN. Our volunteers offer in visible or sometimes more hidden ways so much time, skill and dedication throughout the year. Their efforts are so appreciated and BHN wouldn't be half as effective, or as fun to be part of, without them.
Life remains uncertain for many people stuck in destitution while seeking asylum, but the solidarity and friendship that many find through BHN is a source of hope this Christmas time. It has been a good year with many stories of positive changes for BHN members, as well as a lot of growth for us as an organisation. You can read about some of this in our annual report.
Please continue to mention BHN to your friends - we really want to spread awareness in Bristol and introduce more people to the work that we do. There's always an opportunity to join us for a meal at our Welcome Centre each Monday lunchtime, to meet people or to find out more, so do get in touch if you would like to visit for the first time. (There are even rumours of a couple of small parties at our hostel in the next couple of weeks!)
Contact Rachael if you want to visit: rachael@bhn.org.uk
We appreciate you so much.
With love from the members, trustees and staff of BHN.