Emmy from the allotment project sent us a report on how things are going at the allotments. Here is a little summary of what’s been happening. It seems that a number of new visitors are very interested in getting involved with the project on a regular basis, and hopefully will see that unfold during the coming months. There are also some English people joining in as well each week in the garden which helps to make the group balanced.
Recently they also had a shelter built by ‘Shape My City and ‘Tangentfield’, who are groups that organise ecological builds with other community groups. You can read more about them here: http://tangentfieldsmc.blogspot.co.uk/. This should transform how the project works – it will allow the project to offer people a warm dry space where they can feel certain of being definitely comfortable when coming up to site. Now they can do more language exchange and build up closer group dynamics with a cosy place to site round together, so very exciting!
The garden is still mainly promoted by Emmy going regularly to Boarderlands, Refugee Women of Bristol, BRR, and BHN’s Drop-in on Mondays, and the Hospitality of Bristol Workshops, and then just other friends she has developed over the years of being in these communities.
Emmy is working on setting up a system of referrals from organisations like The Red Cross, Refugee Action and the Bike Project. If any of you have ideas for other organisations she can make links to in order to promote what we’re doing to people that need to know that would be great!
As always, help promoting the garden would just be useful, and making sure hosts and hostees know we are here (BS57SB Speedwell Road – garden in middle of houses 44 and 46 – call Emmy at the gate on 07540135953).