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Soil, Seeds and Social Change

This Autumn, on the Tuesday 28th October, BHN were privilidged to be asked to cook for a fantastic event that Naomi was putting on as part of the department for Geographical Sciences at Bristol University.

The event was called Soil, Seeds and Social Change and looked at our relationship with the land in our frantic modern world. We were lucky enough to hear about Naomi’s research in South America and discuss research into community garden’s in our home town of Bristol.

Arriving after a hectic day cooking I wasn’t able to see the whole event but enjoyed the richness of the discussion whilst I was there. In terms of the food, well we cooked up a storm. 35 people attending the event were lucky enough to get a taste our seven dish variety feast. All our fruit and vegetables were sourced from either Sims Hill, A growing project down by the M32 next to Feed Bristol, or the Asylum Seekers Allotment, located up in St.George. We had some late pull-outs in terms of BHN volunteers and unfortunately the amazing Zara was unwell after recently coming out of hospital. Thus we roped in some last minute volunteers: Amy, Ellen, Katey and the wonderfuk Sharon. Also a massive thanks to those who helped out at the BHN house and Paddy our faithful driver.

Despite the last minute chaos the food was exquisite. There were two types of salad, A beetroot and marrow tikka and a mixed vegetable thai curry. Furthermore, there were some delicious crunchy vegetable pakoras and spiced rice. For desert there was a delicious crumble served with vanilla yogurt. Everyone there seemed to love the food and the feedback was great. We raised 350 pounds!

Thanks again to everyone who helped out and attended the event.

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