Please find below the details for Bristol’s public meeting on The Detention Inquiry.
Our friends from Bristol Refugee Rights are hosting their annual meeting to mark International Human Rights Day, 10th December.
The UK has one of the largest systems of immigration detention in Europe. This means imprisoning large numbers of people without charge or trial, causing untold harm to them and their families, at huge cost to the public purse.
This year has seen the first ever Parliamentary Inquiry into immigration detention (see www.detentioninquiry.com). We want to make sure the voices of those affected by detention are heard publicly.
Please join us on 10th December to bring attention to the Inquiry’s findings, to highlight the injustices of detention and encourage MPs to take action.
*Hear from BRR’s submission to the Inquiry
*Listen to voices from detention
*Take action for change
*Speakers include Eiri Ohtani from Detention Forum; Dr Melanie Griffiths from Asylum Welcome
*Drinks & snacks served
at The Welcome Centre, Malcolm X Community Centre,
141 City Road, Bristol BS2 8YH